Restorative Workshops
Anger Management Classes
This group program is designed for teens with a focus on prevention and also helping them recognize the triggers and cues of their aggression cycle. They learn skills to be better equipped to address the roots of their anger and to de-escalate themselves before having destructive emotional outbursts.
Circle of Support & Understanding (COSU)
Circles provide the framework for developing emotional literacy and building healthy relationships for at-risk teens. Providing this safe space leads to learning to build deeper relationships through shared dialogue. In addition the “Circle” format provides an environment where students are able to practice mindfulness and meditation as a tool to overcome trauma and stress. As we connect with adolescents in ways that increase their emotional awareness and their understanding of healthy relationships, we empower them to become leaders in their own lives.
Community Justice Panel
We provide alternative restoration options to address crime through community based solutions. We give offenders the opportunity to right the wrongs they have committed and to offer healing and empowerment to victims and community members.
Family Group Conference
An opportunity for families to meet together to share, discover and understand. These conferences include the preparation of meeting with family members individually and concludes with follow up with each family member.
Family Reconciliation Circles
HOPE City offers help to families that are struggling to connect. No matter the reason for the disconnection restorative practices can help bring clarity to the individuals that come to the circle process. Each member that comes to the circle has an opportunity to speak and an opportunity to listen. With trained facilitators the discussion is able to move from walls and blocks of disconnect and misunderstanding to empathizing with the other that is both honoring and respectful for all concerned. Families can learn great tools, along with listening and speaking skills that can be used in all of their relationships after going through these Family Reconciliation Circles.
Habitudes combines images, relatable stories and experiences into lessons that resonate with today’s youth, equipping them to navigate through life’s challenges and opportunities.
Love & Logic
$49* pp or $69* per couple
When you are checking out there are two options available: 1 per individual, 1 per couple.
Please note: there will not be child care offered during these classes.
*Refunds may be given up to 2 weeks before the start of class, minus debit/credit card transaction fees. After this 2 weeks you may use this payment as credit towards another Love and Logic parenting class for future registration.
The Love and Logic approach to parenting is intended to leave children believing that their parents are the most powerful and loving people in their lives and at the same time help them to grow into respectful and responsible adults. Come and join us for this six week session course that will equip you to:
Click HERE to read the bio of Laura Griffis, class presenter and a certified Love & Logic facilitator.
Click HERE to register for an upcoming course.
When you are checking out there are two options available: 1 per individual, 1 per couple.
Please note: there will not be child care offered during these classes.
*Refunds may be given up to 2 weeks before the start of class, minus debit/credit card transaction fees. After this 2 weeks you may use this payment as credit towards another Love and Logic parenting class for future registration.
The Love and Logic approach to parenting is intended to leave children believing that their parents are the most powerful and loving people in their lives and at the same time help them to grow into respectful and responsible adults. Come and join us for this six week session course that will equip you to:
- Handling Misbehavior Without Breaking A Sweat
- Teaching Kids To Listen The First Time
- Avoiding Power Struggles
- Limits Create Happier Parents, Happier Kids and Happier Families
- What To Do When Your Kids Leave You Speechless
Click HERE to read the bio of Laura Griffis, class presenter and a certified Love & Logic facilitator.
Click HERE to register for an upcoming course.
My Justice Journey
Provides participants to document their justice story and to listen to the stories of others. They learn how to insert justice into their injustice as well as be equipped to move forward.
Nurturing Father's Program
This is a 13-week group program for fathers who are actively looking to provide guidance, love and support to enhance the development and growth of their children. In this program each father will learn and grow in skills to become a more nurturing father with topics ranging from Self-Nurturing Skills, The World of Feelings, Fathering without Violence or Fear to Fathering Sons/Fathering Daughters, Healing the Father Wound & Teamwork between Father and Spouse/Co-Parent.
Restorative Justice Training
This program assists participants to accept accountability for harms caused by offending behavior, learn to repair those harms to the best degree possible, and rebuild healthy relationships in the community.
Victim / Offender Education
This program is designed to support individuals in the process of understanding and developing insight into the underlying circumstances of their lives and the choices that led to antisocial behavior or antisocial thinking.
Interested in having HOPE City train your staff or organization in Restorative Practices?
Please fill out this form and someone will contact you to discuss what your needs are and how best we can help.